Newcomer Service offers you six weekly sessions, where you get tips for your job search in Vejle and meet other international job seekers.

From March 5th Newcomer Service offers you a weekly session for six weeks, where you will get tips to your job search in Denmark/Vejle and meet other expat job seekers.  

Each time we will go over a subject that will be relevant for your future job situation - including inviting guest speakers to share their expertise.   


Program (as of now): 

March 5th: Introduction and cover letter and CV in Denmark (competence vs. chronological resume) 

March 12th: LinkedIn in Denmark – the importance of an updated LinkedIn in your Danish job search. (Guest Speaker Nienke D. Nijenhuis). 

March 20th: How is your CV and cover letter seen with a recruiter’s eyes, what is important and “not so much” in a Danish context. (Guest Speaker Sten Appelon Petersen).

March 27th: Evaluation of “what we heard in the last two sessions”. 

April 2nd: Coming to Denmark – firsthand job search experience from a fellow expat. (Guest Speaker to be announced).

April 10th: Rounding off, incl., networking, your leisure time 

Note the sessions will be in English.

Tove Reinert Expat Business Consultant
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