This workshop will address some of the most common themes expats wish they had known before moving to Denmark, and is aimed at giving you inspiration to a smooth and happy settling in Denmark.

You will leave equipped with insights into the dynamics of culture shock and its intra-psychological impacts as well as tools to manage the emotional rollercoaster of international transition.

The workshop is facilitated by Nanna Hauch from Expat Hero. Nanna has had 4 stints as an expatriate and is now back in Denmark working with enhancing the wellbeing of internationals all over the world.

Nanna holds a master in intercultural leadership from Copenhagen Business School and is a licensed family- and couple therapist specialized in the psychology of global mobility. She draws on fun and relatable examples from both her own life, and from the hundreds of conversations she has conducted with internationals in Denmark.


Date: September 10th. 

Time: 18.30-20.30 (6.30-8.30pm). 

Location: Spinderihallerne, Spinderigade 11, 7100 Vejle - room: Bomuldsloftet.


Free to join, held in English - remember to sign up.  

Nanna Hauch
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